By Ari Satriyo Wibowo
There is an interesting research result which posted by Kompas daily on Wednesday, 6 June 2007. The title of article is “ Gerak Zaman dan Pasang Surut Kepemimpinan “ (Move Epoch and the Rise and Fall of Leadership) that make a prediction that the future leader of Indonesia in the year 2020s will be coming from entrepreneur or business world.The research conducted by Anies Baswedan, Director Research of The Indonesian Institute.
If leader of year 1940- 1960 coming from intellectual circle as a result of modern education recruitment of the year 1900-1930. Whereas leader of year 1970-1980 coming from recruited military circle who struggle in the physical independence war of year 1940-1950. While leader of year 1990-2000 coming from political activist circle which recruited by political mass or political organization.
With above condition, Anies predicts that candidate of the future leader is youngster which in this time have an averages ages to 30s and reside in commercial region. Mostly have activist backgrounds and have intellectual bases and still hidden from public and also is not coming from the empire of business which has establish today.
1 comment:
Hmm...mungkin aja Mas Ari yg suatu saat jadi pemimpi(n) negara di Republik Mimpi ini :) Kenapa nggak..ya kan??
Proficiat buat Mas Ari, sang motivator hebat!
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